Frequently Asked Questions

What is Explored?

Explored is an outdoor adventure marketplace, featuring the best community driven trails, tours, and immersive outdoor experiences. In the marketplace, creators can create the best adventures, set prices and get a majority cut of those adventures, and optionaly get tipped at the end of an adventure. On the flip side, everyone in the app can find the best rated adventures in their area and get exploring!

It’s a win-win for everyone! People get great outdoor adventure content while our creators receive passive income.

How exactly can I make money?

You will be able to generate income in two ways.

1.) A majority cut of any profits from purchased adventures. These will be stored as credit on your account and you can request payment at any time.

2.) Via PayPal and the tip option at the end your adventures, if you choose to post your PayPal link.

Will it be free?

Yes! Although we encourage creators to set different levels of pricing depending on the adventure, Explored will guarantee a percentage of each creator’s adventures will be free.

For example, let’s say that 30% of a creator’s adventures need to be free.

Can anyone be a creator?

Yes! Any user in the platform can be both a creator and adventurer. To receive payments though, you will need to link your PayPal account or have your email address match your PayPal account.

How do you define an adventure?

We define an adventure as an outdoor path that consists of a series of 1 or more content enhancing markers along the way. An adventure has a start geolocation. When an adventurer gets within the vicinity of the start, they can begin the adventure and travel from one marker to another via a GPS map. If the adventure is a single point, getting to the start location will complete the adventure. When the adventurer hits a marker, an action will occur to notify the adventurer with some content that enhances the adventure. Some examples of these content types include pictures, video, social media links, logs, music playlists, a log book for the adventurer to contribute, VR experiences, etc.

What types of adventures will I be able to find?

We are planning on supporting walking, driving, biking, and boating adventures to start. When creating an adventure, a creator has to specify the content type. This helps you to filter and choose adventures that match your needs.

Will I be able to share my adventures?

Yes! We are planning on supporting sharing adventures on all major social media platforms.

How will I select the best adventures for me?

Each adventurer will indicate the time duration, what type (walking, driving, etc.), the level of difficulty, and ratings and reviews by other adventurers. This information will help you choose the best adventures for you!

Does this app give me permission to go anywhere?

No. Just like with other geolocation-based applications, please respect any federal, state, local, or private rules or regulations. If you find that an adventure voiolates a regulation, you can report that adventure to our team to investigate.